In my free time I like to do anything from white water rafting to sitting around a table with friends and play Dungeons and Dragons. Having a creative outlet has always been a must for me, which is why I helped start Dungeons and Broncos, the premiere Table Top Role Playing club at Boise State University. From its inception of 8 people I helped to grow the club to the now size of over 120 members! I have always loved working with people and using this club to grow a community of all types of people was really special.
What I love about playing Dungeons and Dragons is that it helps me flex my creative problem solving muscles so I can tackle any situation put in front of me, in game and out. Using these skills have helped me to succeed in my Games Interactive Media and Mobile Technology major at Boist State University. Applying creative problem solving to coding and game / app development has helped on numerous occations. I find I can overcome any obstical or accomplish any task if I push myself and maybe ask for help along the way.